Baa Baa black sheep hot cross buns! kitty cat mole the hobby horse a big shoe jack sprat.
Hickory, Dickory, Dock, Duck's Ditty. Little polly flinders five little kitty flinders five little kitty cats
Quick, quick, quick at the zoo hush, little babay wee willie winkie
Pat-a-cake the man in the moon the dog i saw three ships little girl, little girl red sky at night.
Six little mice, arabella miller high in the pine tree one for sorrow the music of your voice there was an old man jack be nimble twinkle twinkle little star.
Five little ducks rock-a-bye, baby rain, rain betty botter bought some butter. I love little kitty my fairy.
Old mother Hubbard my bed is a boat, five little peas the teacher, i had a little nut tree star light, star bright teddy bear, teddy bear.
Little miss muffet hair brushing Mr. Toad little boy blue hickety pickety i see the moon
The Queen of Hearts The Man of Khartoum father's day some puzzles one, two, three, four.. a price
Little Miss Muffet has disappeared, leaving her curds and whey behind her. How did the town folk manage to get rid of cruel Miss Muffet? Did they scare her away? This looks like another Nursery Crime!