Homophones are words that sound same but have different spellings and completely different meanings. Knowing how to spell a word is one of the trickiest skills in English. This will help early rea…
On the turn of each page, discover a favorite animal with a simple scene and facts. With wonderful illustrations and simple, informative text, little learners will love this first farm book!
On the turn of each page, discover a favorite monster in a silly scene. With wonderful illustrations and simple, informative text, little learners will love this funny monsters book!
On the turn of each pace, discover a favourite animal with a simle scene and fun facts. With wonderful illustrations and simple, informative text, little learners will love this first animals book!
Rintoo mempunyai mainan mobil baru dan Hoho ingin segera menaikinya! Kai - Lan tahu dan ia mengajarkan Hoho untuk belajar menunggu.