The moon and back before bathtime? wahtever next? A new edition of a picture book classic from the creator of peace at last and on the way home.
open this book and see how much fun Rosie has at preschool.
Step inside the delightful story of the Hungry Mouse! You'll enjoy the cheeky adventure, and want to look at the colourful three dimensional scenes again and again.
Step inside the exciting world of Dragons! You'll discover how to become a dragon expert, and want to look at the fascinating three-dimensional pictures again and again.
NIgel sebal dibilang menggemaskan. Ia ingin jadi Koala besar dan kuat. Untunglah ketika akan membebaskan teman-temannya yang hendak dimangsa, ia berhasil membuktikan keberanian dan ketangguhannya.
Usborne Phonics readers have been created in consultasion with a language expert, taking into account the latest research on the most effective waysn of teaching reading. Children who have just lea…
introduces children to some phrases or expressions, tells children what to say when they encounter a certain situation, good for reading aloud
They live together in the middle of as beautiful forest. While Bear works hard, collecting bugs for their supper... Birds sings his favourite songs. But when Bear gets lost in the forest one snowy …